The London Diamond Bourse (LDB) recently partnered with De Beers Group to host an exclusive event that bought De Beers Spotlight on diamonds to London. The event brought
The London Diamond Bourse (LDB) recently partnered with De Beers Group to host an exclusive event that bought De Beers Spotlight on diamonds to London. The event brought together over 150 influential figures from
London's prestigious brands to highlight its role in the diamond supply chain, ethical sourcing practices, and consumer experiences.
Speaking at the conclusion of the 2024 Kimberley Process (KP) Plenary, World Diamond Council (WDC) President Feriel Zerouki commended significant advancements in the KP’s modernization efforts. Driven by the WDC’s
commitment to improving transparency and traceability in the diamond trade, at this year’s Plenary session the UAE showcased its pilot for QR-coded secure digital certificates. This new digital platform, developed by the
UAE and offered free of charge, can be adapted to the needs of all KP Participants, and supports listing multiple countries of mining origin on KP certificates.
The International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) and the Brazilian Gems and Jewellery Trade Association (IBGM) are delighted to announce that the 20th ICA Congress will be held in Brasilia, Brazil, from May 19 to 22,
2025. The event’s theme, “Gems for Generations”, will emphasize the importance of sustainability throughout the colored gemstone supply chain and building consumer confidence ensuring a lasting legacy for the global
gemstone industry.